The Quick-Change-System enables a simple and easy battery change at your HEFTER cleantech

cleaning machine and enlarges the operating time in that way.

Quick-Change works in a simple and timesaving way:

  • Just hook the mobile Quick-Change-Cart into your cleaning system
  • Pull out the battery-case
  • Unhook the cart and attach a cart with a fully charged battery
  • Push the new battery-case into the machine

That makes re-charging at your cleaning system a matter of minutes.

After that your HEFTER Cleantech machine is immediately ready for use again. In that way the

Quick-Change-System provides very flexible usage times. Even the usage 24 hours a day is possible.

HEFTER Cleantech GmbH | Zeppelinstraße 24 | D-82205 Gilching
phone +49 (0) 8051 96180 – 00   | E-Mail info@hefter-cleantech.com